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Frequent Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

There are some doubts that are very common and here you will see the most frequent answers that we send to our clients. We believe they can help you!

Anyway we will always be here if you want to call us or send us an email :)

I placed an order and when I entered the site the product I bought is sold out. And now, is the piece I bought?
Yes! When you place an order in our online store, the products you bought automatically go out of stock, after all we do not want anyone to buy the products you have already ordered;)
For this reason, if you have purchased the last product in stock, it may happen that the product is sold out on the site immediately. So keep cool, when the site generates an order number for you, it means that we have the product and it is already reserved just waiting for your payment to be sent.

I received an email with the tracking code, but it is not work righ away, why?
Keep calm. We ship super fast but the postal tracking code can take up to two business days to work. Please try again the next day. But if it´s taking more than two days please contact us by email or phone.

My exchange code is not working. What to do?

First, take a look if you're typing in the complete code in the "Coupon" field at the shopping cart. Do not forget to include the word TROCA at the beginning of the code, right ?! For example: TROCA3232323.

If the code still does not work, it may have already been used or is out of date. In this case you can contact us so we can help you. We are always available :)

How can I check if a product is available in one of the physical stores?
It is possible to consult the stock available in the physical stores at the web site, did you know ?!

To do this, simply click on the product you want and then click on: Check stock in stores.
If you want to reserve the product you can call us or send an email with the code and size of the product, so you guarantee that the product will be reserved for you when you pick it up at one of our physical stores.

If you want to buy products that are in the physical store through the site (except Araras unit), it is also possible, just contact us :)

How do I update my order info?

If you want to update any data in the application as the address number, for example, please contact us by email or phone and let us know the number of your order.

If you want to change any product or size in your order, you must place a new order.

I placed an order but I did not pay right away. How can I make the payment for this order?

When you place an order on the site, the products are already reserved for you, so it is not necessary to place a new order. To find it is easy, just click on the payment link that we send in your email. If you do not find it, it's worth taking a look at your spam, in your trash or accessing your account on the site (with your login and password) and entering the "My Orders" area.

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MY ACCOUNT My Orders My Info My Exchanges STORES Loja Tatuapé
Rua Azevedo Soares, 1340
Vila Gomes Cardim - São Paulo - SP
WhatsApp: (11) 94156-9782
CUSTOMER CARE WhatsApp : (11) 94156-8424 Phone: (11) 2291-2875 (Segunda a Sábado das 10h as 18h) Email: STORE Fit You
Dani Banani LTDA
CNPJ: 14.228.622/0001-86
Rua Azevedo Soares, 1340
São Paulo - SP
Brasil - 03322001

System developed by: Virtua Mega Store